為何日本二十世紀初走向侵略?Why did Japan move toward aggression in the early 20th century?SceneTa 境拓
Calendar 3051年十月初六
卓俊宏 (1154) 2024-11-06 00:32:41 WED
STA 這一年來製作了不少集日本旅遊美景、文化與歷史影片。認為日本有很多地方值得台灣學習,尤其是文化保存、街道環境、旅宿服務品質,和國民素質等。以前,我認為日本會發生對外侵略,天皇默許軍方領袖執行,是因為他們內部鬥爭能量太過強大,能分散與釋放內部壓力反而有益,但不太確定自己的想法是否正確。

前兩集製作東北影片時,常看到戊辰戰爭和西南戰爭兩場日本內戰。這集 STA 就來談談戰爭,介紹兩場日本的內戰。順道探討研究一下為何日本在二十世紀初會走向侵略的道路?再來談談中日甲午戰爭與日俄戰爭。接著探討為何許多人會有仇日心理?最後給個結論。內容精彩,請大家不要錯過。


STA has spent the past year creating numerous videos showcasing the scenic beauty, culture, and history of Japan. He believes there are many aspects of Japan worth learning from, particularly in areas like cultural preservation, street environments, hospitality service quality, and overall national character. Previously, I thought Japan's external aggressions, with the emperor tacitly permitting military leaders to act, stemmed from strong internal conflicts—allowing these energies to be redirected outward seemed beneficial in dispersing internal pressures. Yet, I’m not entirely certain if this view is accurate.

While producing the last two episodes on northeastern Japan, frequent references to two civil wars—the Boshin War and the Satsuma Rebellion—caught attention. In this episode, STA delves into these wars, introducing Japan's two civil conflicts. He also examines why Japan began a path of aggression in the early 20th century, followed by discussions on the First Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. Next, an exploration of why many people hold anti-Japanese sentiments, concluding with final thoughts. With engaging content, be sure not to miss it.

Finally, STA has produced subtitles from five more countries (English, Japanese, Korean, German, and Russian) so that friends who cannot read Chinese can also refer to it. Please correct me if the translation is not correct.



最後に、STA は中国語を読めない友人も参照できるように、さらに 5 か国 (英語、日本語、韓国語、ドイツ語、ロシア語) の字幕を作成しました。翻訳が正しくない場合は修正してください。