關於境拓科技 SceneTa
Calendar 3050年二月十一
卓俊宏 (3173) 2023-03-02 00:29:40 THR

境拓科技股份有限公司於西元 2023 年 1 月 17 日正式成立,並在同年 3 月 1 日正式開業。
SceneTa Inc. was officially established on January 17, 2023, and opened for business on on March 1 of the same year.


「境」用英文Scene[sin]代表,意思是場景的意思。「拓」為破音字,主要念 Ta 音,如魚拓、拓本等。也可念 Tuo 音,即拓展之意。

知道的境,我們將它 拓[Ta]印 出來。不知道的境,我們將它 拓[Tuo]展 出來。

任務 Missions

One person company


以STA 名字,成立 境拓 SceneTa Youtube 頻道,在裡頭揮灑自己的創作,為世間留下美好。
Established the SceneTa Youtube channel to express STA's creations and leave beauty to this world.

3D雲端不朽平台 /3D Cloud Immortal Platform:

STA會透過 L4 Framework,一套由 STA 過去多年獨自發展累積的網際網路程式元件庫,去發展這平台。
STA will develop this platform through the L4 Framework, a set of Internet program component libraries that STA has independently developed and accumulated over the past many years.

The Internet will enter the era of Web 3.0, and virtual reality devices will become more and more popular in the next ten years. The main goal of the company is to create a cross-age 3D immortal cloud world.

Eventually, everyone will see these 3D contents in the browser (or APP) of the mobile phone, and they will be saved in this space in OpenGL/WebGL format. You can also interact with them, enjoy them from various angles, and even turn them into games.

3D動畫-理念名片/3D animation’s “idea business card”

Help you present the macroscopic and microscopic ideas, artistic conceptions and concepts that are difficult to achieve in reality in the film.

您能放在網際網路的YouTube 或內嵌在網頁。打廣告宣傳自己、產品或企業。除讓全世界目標客戶了解你,也能增加企業營收和知名度。
You can place them on YouTube or embed it in a web page on the Internet. To advertise yourself, your product or your business. In addition to letting target customers around the world know you, it can also increase your company's revenue and visibility.

SceneTa helps you complete the design, dubbing, and copywriting content in one go!
No charge if you are not satisfied!

原則 Principle

Enjoy life to the fullest.

Accumulate professional credits.

合作&聯絡 Cooperation & Contact

可來信 sceneta9@gmail.com

或來電: 0953-650-130
