STA演繹仙北市角館 せんぼく Senboku, かくのだて Kakunodate , SceneTa 境拓
Calendar 3051年十月初六
卓俊宏 (1498) 2024-11-06 00:30:53 WED


從這張圖,可以看到我的環狀軌跡。STA 當天走了快 3 萬步,是那次旅行的第二名,那天穿了新鞋,不太合腳。在角館時腳就開始流血,但還是走完全程。總共有300多個景點,從盛岡出發,經角館、秋田、大館、弘前、新青森。再回到盛岡的環狀線一日個人自由旅行。




Hello everyone, I’m STA.

Although I have completed a round of videos introducing destinations like Aomori, Akita, and Sendai from Morioka, there are still some regrets! Starting from this episode, I will strengthen the coverage of winter trips to Akita, and pause for a few episodes on the destinations departing from Ōmiya. I have planned a solo one-day circular tour project around the Tohoku region of Japan, which includes not only Akita City but also Semboku City (Kakunodate), Ōdate City, and Hirosaki City in Aomori Prefecture.

From this map, you can see my circular route. On that day, I walked nearly 30,000 steps, the second most during that trip. I wore new shoes that didn’t fit well, and by the time I reached Kakunodate, my feet started bleeding, but I still completed the entire journey. There were over 300 sights in total, starting from Morioka, passing through Kakunodate, Akita, Ōdate, Hirosaki, and Shin-Aomori, and then back to Morioka on this self-guided one-day circular trip.

The content is very exciting, and the scenery is incredibly beautiful! Putting everything together would be too long, about an hour in total. In this episode, I’ll first share the Kakunodate part. Not only will I introduce the scenic beauty of Kakunodate, but I’ll also talk about its history and explain what "cherry bark work" is. Don’t miss it!

Semboku City is actually a beautiful tourist destination. At its center is Lake Tazawa, the deepest lake in Japan. To the east is Mount Akita-Komagatake, standing 1,637 meters tall. To the north is Mount Hachimantai, at 1,613 meters, along with the famous Tamagawa Hot Spring. Mount Hachimantai is one of Japan’s easiest to climb among the Hundred Famous Mountains, and the area is also home to the "hokutolite," a special natural monument designated by the Japanese government.

For those who enjoy hiking, hot springs, and beautiful scenery, this city is truly worth exploring. Next time, if you have the chance, you should plan a deeper tour!





