Calendar 3051年七月廿五
卓俊宏 (1974) 2024-08-28 00:54:23 WED

Since Chinese characters are ideograms, their pictographic meanings should be visible and they should retain their aesthetic value without being overly simplified. There should be a unified standard for their use (not a fragmented system) to serve both present and future generations, and they must preserve historical and cultural heritage.


在這全球化、網際網路(互聯網)時代,有為者,尤其是領導者當為後代子孫著想,思維應該要更宏觀,要去理解 Unicode 編碼標準和 Utf-8 轉換格式方法,並恢復成使用上千年的中文字符。

STA 提出七項觀點,認為中國、新加坡等使用簡體中文的國家,是時候應該要思考改回台灣正體漢字,也就是過去漢唐宋元明清使用的傳統漢字。

In this era of globalization and the Internet, those with ambition, especially leaders, should consider future generations and adopt a broader perspective. They should understand the Unicode encoding standard and the UTF-8 conversion method and restore the use of Chinese characters that have been in use for thousands of years.

STA presents seven viewpoints, suggesting that countries using Simplified Chinese, such as China and Singapore, should consider reverting to Traditional Chinese characters used in Taiwan, which are the characters used historically in the Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.

