作幾首讓你在夏天感到喜悅的音樂 ♪ | 夏天不熱就不叫夏天,暑假不快樂就不叫暑假 Happy Summer
Calendar 3051年七月廿五
卓俊宏 (2197) 2024-08-28 00:53:21 WED

2024年7月第一週 ,STA 帶家人到台北101的89-91樓俯瞰眺望台北市景、到宜蘭傳藝中心走走,到桃園八德簡單拍個稻米快成熟景象。


Happy Summer


In the first week of July 2024, STA took his family to the 89th to 91st floors of Taipei 101 to overlook the cityscape of Taipei, visited the National Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan, and took some simple photos of the nearly mature rice fields in Bade, Taoyuan.

We all know it's very hot, and it seems that the summers have been getting hotter in recent years, but we should still find joy in life. I have created some joyful summer music inspired by the beautiful scenery of these three spots to share with everyone, hoping to help you beat the heat!



SceneTa 境拓