為何你應該要花更多時間快樂唱歌並學習語言?腹式呼吸與腹式發音 | Why should spend more time singing? SceneTa 境拓
Calendar 3051年五月廿六
卓俊宏 (369) 2024-07-01 01:03:00 MON




有機會STA 會展現他學習語言和歌唱的成果,敬請期待!

I was quite shy when I was a kid, and even now I feel a little scared when speaking in front of people.
I know a lot about music theory, but when it comes to singing I feel like I'm a music idiot, so I rarely sing, it's hard to speak, and I don't even dare to sing in front of the public!

However, when I talk to a few people, it's normal.

In this video, I will share why you should sing more and learn languages?

And briefly talk about how to practice abdominal breathing and use abdominal pronunciation!

If there is an opportunity, STA will show off his achievements in language learning and singing, so stay tuned!